Education and Recruitment event TEKIJÄ2025
Hämeenlinna 23.1.2025, Loimua Arena
Forssa 30.1.2025, Prisma
Welcome to the TEKIJÄ Education and Recruitment Event!
TEKIJÄ is an event for employment, learning, and networking, bringing together students, job seekers, those interested in entrepreneurship, various businesses, educational institutions, and employment service providers in the Hämeenlinna and Forssa regions. This event is already being organized for the 12th time.
The goal of the event is to centralize information about job opportunities in the region, entrepreneurship, study opportunities offered by educational institutions, and to facilitate the meeting of skilled professionals and employers in the job market.
Follow the TEKIJÄ event’s website and social media channels (Facebook and Instagram) to get information about the participating exhibitors and the program.
Admission to the events is free for visitors!
Meet Employers!
At the events, you can get to know the employers in the Forssa and Hämeenlinna regions, explore available job and summer job opportunities, internships, as well as potential collaborative thesis and project work. You will also find information about entrepreneurship at the event.
Discover Study Opportunities!
At the events, you will find information about various study opportunities at secondary educational institutions and universities. Furthermore, at the event, you can get to know the region’s educational institutions and the range of study programs available.
Hear Inspiring Stories
In the Hämeenlinna event, there will also be intriguing programs where you can listen to various speeches and captivating career stories.
Exhibitors in TEKIJÄ2025 events
Exhibitor registration is open, and we update exhibitor information on this website weekly.
Exibitors TEKIJÄ2025 Forssa
- Attendo Oy
- Biotus Oy
- Elonkierron Ystävät ry
- Faktia Oy / EURES
- Faktia Oy / Jobpari
- Henkilöstöpalvelu Duuri-Tiimi
- Lidl Suomi Ky
- Lounais-Hämeen ja Humppilan 4H-yhdistykset
- Lounea
- Medivida Wanha Pehtoori
- Metsä Fibre Rengon saha
- Osuuskauppa Hämeenmaa
- Stera Technologies Oy
- VPS Henkilöstöpalvelu Oy
Educational institutions
- Hämeen Pinkit HÄPI ry
- Häme Vocational institute
- Häme University of Applied Sciences
- Jokiläänin kansalaisopisto
- Kiipulasäätiö
- Tavastia Education Consortium
- Forssa Vocational Institute
- Novida – vocational institute and upper secondary school
- Päivölän opisto
Employment and Entrepreneurship Services
Presenting themselves
- Kanta-Hämeen hyvinvointialueen henkilöstö JHL ry
- Seudullinen etsivä nuorisotyö
Exhibitors TEKIJÄ2025 Hämeenlinna
- Armstrong Ammattiturva Oy
- Attendo Oy
- Bolt.Works
- Coronaria Terameri Oy
- Esperi Care Oy
- Etra Oy
- Faktia Oy / Jobpari
- Henkilöstöpalvelu Duuri-Tiimi
- Hämeenlinnan Seudun 4H-yhdistys
- Hämeen Osuuspankki
- Kolmeks Oy
- Kuljetusliike Taipale Oy
- Leijona Catering Oy
- Lidl Suomi Ky
- Lindström Oy
- Loimua Oy
- Metsä Fibre Rengon saha
- Movax Oy
- Osuuskauppa Hämeenmaa
- Patria Land Oy
- Pihlajalinna
- Pohjantähti
- POP pankki Lammi
- Rikosseuraamuslaitos
- Winclean Oy
Educational institutions
- Hyria Koulutus Oy
- Häme Vocational institute
- Häme University of Applied Sciences
- Kiipulasäätiö
- Tavastia Education Consortium
- Päivölän opisto
Employment and Entrepreneurship Services
- Faktia Oy / EURES
- Hämeenlinnan Yrittäjät ry
- Hämeen Uusyrityskeskus ry
- Nuorten yrittäjyys ja talous NYT
- Suomen Yrittäjäopisto
- Vastuu Group
Presenting themselves
For more information, please contact:
Kristina Mustonen
Event coordinator, TEKIJÄ2025
+358400 878738